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Help Us! What would you call this Workflows template and action?

Help Us! What would you call this Workflows template and action?

Calendly is exploring adding a new action and template to the Workflows feature. 

This new “do this” action and template would allow you to automate sending meeting update emails to someone who isn't the host or invitee to help them stay in the loop on your meeting status.  


Here are a few examples of where this feature will be helpful:
- A manager may want visibility into when someone on their team has a meeting cancellation
- An Executive Assistant needs to know when their boss books a new meeting so they can help them prep
- A Recruiting Coordinator wants to know when an interview they booked on behalf of a hiring manager gets rescheduled incase they need to adjust subsequent interviews


We have two questions for you.

Please respond to the first question in the comments section. For the second question please select from the choices below.


Question for comments section: What would you call this action? Please pick one. 

  1. Send email to someone else
  2. Send email to non-attendee
  3. Can you think of a better name for this action? Be sure to let us know.

10 replies

You wouldn’t just have an option for “BCC: “ with a field for email addresses?

I like the first option too. This is something we have been looking for, but even more, we want to add an event to a second calendar! 

Userlevel 1

Hi @KennethBurke! Great question. 

We're opting for a new action and template vs. BCC functionality to flexibly support Calendly users who, in addition to giving someone else more visibility into their meetings (like a BCC), may want to also encourage that person take an action based on the event status or update. 

For example, this new email can be:

  • Customized with a message that includes more context and prompt a specific next step.
    For example: "{Invitee} just scheduled a meeting with {host} on {date}. Please add {invitee} to the visitor's system and kick-off the background check process." 
  • Sent without a host or invitee email dependency. For example: Automate a reminder email to an additional person 2 days ahead of a meeting to prompt them to prepare an agenda. This can be separate than your invitee reminder 1 day before a meeting, and your host reminder 10 minutes before a meeting. 

Thanks for your feedback! Keep it coming. 🙂

I like the option of “Send email to someone else”.  I think it’s generic enough for a wide variety of users, but at the same time, it is clear.

I think this feature has a lot of promise as it’s a way to drive more awareness on your calendar and teams actions without sorting through all the events.


Potential name: Send email to additional people

Userlevel 1

@mdharmon Agreed! This will make it a lot easier for teammates to stay current on your scheduling updates without needing to sift through your calendar. 

I appreciate your feedback! 

I think “Send email to non-attendee” is the more direct way of communicating that the intended person is more of a support, than the one conducting or live attending a meeting. 

“Send email to someone else” seems a little to general to me and I could see myself getting confused within a workflow or while setting up a workflow.
At least with communicating that the intended recipient is a non-attendee I can also confirm that I won’t accidentally add them as a participant. 

I think option 1, “Send Email to Someone Else” makes the most sense since it’s general enough to have a variety of use cases. 

Send email to non-attendee

It’s the most straight forward phrase.

Userlevel 1

Thank you for your input @iammelaniemarisol @JessicaShelley @Dana30475
