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I have a wix site that has a button that sends customers to Calendly set it up appt times. I set up my hours under Schedule and they are correct when booking on my desktop but when I test on my and others’ cell phones the meeting times are completely wrong and is says I work from 7am to noon. How do I fix it so all “devise-types” show my correct hours?

Hi @Tom02064!

I just took a look at your Calendly page on both my desktop and mobile. I’m seeing you available from 10am to 3:30pm (EST) on both. Is that the correct schedule?

Your schedule should show up the same on all devices, unless those devices are set to a different timezone or don’t auto update for the timezone they’re in. For example, I recently had a cross-country trip and kept telling my calendar and other apps to not update to the new timezone as I needed to keep track of my schedule in EST back home.

I changed the timezone and applied it to the event, and it works now on both device types. Thank you, Jillian!!!