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I created Calendly account with my old email and started using it as the bookings sync calendar.

Now I have a new email that I use as my work calendar, but am unable to change the booking sync to it from the old email. The sync is still connected to my old email only.


My calendar sync configuration is as follows:


Check for conflicts:

New email

  • Old email

Old email

  • New email


Add to calendar:

New email

  • Old email


In the event booking options the host is simply me and no option to choose the email sync.

In my profile Im not able to find an option to change my primary email.


Help please? :)

Hi @JenikaFI!

Happy to help here - You can adjust the Calendar Sync right from your Calendar Connections Page, then selecting ‘Edit’ next to ‘Add to Calendar’. Here, you can select either calendar, then select the dropdown to find the specific sub-calendar you’d like to add events to:


The ‘Sub Calendar’ would match whatever the name of the Calendar is in your Work email - If its not showing, I would recommend disconnecting and reconnecting the Calendar first, then trying again!

Can you give this a try and let us know if it works? 😁 

Yes, this seemed to work.

Thank you so much! :)