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Calendly for my Dealers

  • 4 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi Team, 
I have requirement. I am currently setting up a website for my dealers. 
Every dealer has their own login. But how can I add a different calendly link for each dealer. 

User flow > 
Dealer login to the website. 
He takes the call from the customer and he will schedule the service using calendly. 

But I have few dealers and I am planning to use the same website. How am i able to set this up

I can add embedded code in to my website but how to differentiate between agents. 

Hi @Samuudrala15683!

Hmm. It sounds like you should look into setting up a team for your business and either consider a team page or leveraging routing forms. A bit more on all of that:

Teams: This would allow you to group all of your dealers under one organization which improves you ability to create shared event types (ie, Collective and Round Robin), have better visibility into meetings, and ensure consistency across the customer experience. More on Teams here.

Once you’ve got a team setup, this would allow you to leverage a team page which can be embedded in your site as well. A team page is basically a landing page with the team member events you want to show. More on that here.

And finally - routing forms. Routing forms are a logic based flow that help get your customers to the right event type instead of having to figure it out on their own. For example, let’s say you have dealers in multiple counties, provinces, or regions. Your routing form could help direct customers to their closest dealer. More on routing forms here.

Hope this helps!
