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TLDR: We would like to be able to group and limit invitee slots into “Group A” and “Group B” (and multiple other nameable variations).

Example below:

  • For a 3-hour event, we have hourly sessions at 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 PM.
  • In each hourly session, we have 16 invitee slots.

We would like to split these 16 slots into “Kids class” and “Adult Class” with 8 participants per class. This ability would allow us to cap each group so we don’t have 15 kids and 1 adult.

This could be useful for other users to group signups with examples like:

  • Breakout Group 1 & Breakout Group 2 
  • Interview Group 1 & 2


Hi ​@Nebraska Parkour - Thanks for reaching out on this!

I think this would be a good add on to our group events - I’ve sent this over to our product team to review!

In the meantime, you can use our Overlapping meetings feature to allow multiple group events to be booked at the same time. So you could have Event 1: Group A || Event 2: Group B with 8 slots each so you’d always hit that limit of 16 in each slot. This article will give you more details on setting up the Overlapping Meetings feature here:

Let me know if you have any questions!

Hey ​@David, thanks for the reply! This is actually a super awesome feature and we’ll be sure to use it in the future. For our general bookings with multiple meetings, this would work.


After playing around with the Overlapping Meetings feature in this specific case, it would actually be less work and easier for us to keep track of invitees manually via email and Google Sheets. The reason being:

  1. We have a max of two classes going on at the same time per hour.
  2. We want to separate kids classes from teens/adults happening at the same time.
  3. We want to separate teen classes from adult classes happening at the same time (some are combined teen & adults and some are separate).
  4. We want to separate kids level 1 from kids level 2 happening at the same time.

If we wanted to make this happen, we would need to create multiple meetings for kids level I & level II classes happening at the same time. Additionally, we would need to create additional meetings for teen & adult classes happening at the same time. Since creating multiple meetings is redundant at this point, it’s easier for us to keep track of everything in Google Sheets. If had the ability to split invitees into groups by a specific number and name each group in the same event, it would save us a lot more time.


I’m not sure if this is a problem that other people face, but it may be helpful to see how the current solution (which solves other problems we’ve run into in the past) would not work in this specific use case. We normally use our classroom management platform for this, but for these sets of classes, it’s a “signup if you want to come” option and it is also less work to do this manually than in our system (i.e. it’s a once-in-a-while thing).

Hope this helps. Thank you!

Hi ​@Nebraska Parkour! Thanks for reaching back out - really appreciate all the information here! I’ll get this information together and send it off to our product team to review, you make some great points here and I think it would be a great add on. 

You mentioned Google Sheets—are you already using our Zapier integration for this? If not, I wanted to mention it because it could help automate things a bit more. With Zapier, you can connect your Calendly account to hundreds of apps, including Google Sheets. For example, you could set it up so that when someone signs up for an event, their information is automatically sent to a specific Google Sheet or even a separate CRM. 

Zapier also includes filters - so you can filter these so specific events go to separate Google Sheets as well. You can read more on this integration here: Calendly + Zapier

Let me know if you have any questions - But it sounds like you have a pretty good setup already! Have fun with all of your parkour related events!