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How to change the Name in the Title field for Zoom integrated and calendar appointments

  • 7 March 2024
  • 1 reply


Hopefully somebody can help. 

I have been setting up and testing Calendly prior to purchasing the paid plan to make sure it meets our needs and have a question regarding a feature we need. 

I’ve integrated our iCloud calendar and Zoom for video call appointments. We are a vets practice and I have added a Question on the Booking information of “Dog’s Name”. I want this to show on our Zoom appointments and on our calendar and not the name of the invitee. How can I achieve this. I feel like it should be possible. 

I’ve seen something similar on another post regarding doing it on the Calendar Invitations setting which can only be accessed through a paid plan account. Would setting it up on there give me the ability to edit the name of the Zoom and Calendar appointments? 

Thanks in advance, 


Hey there, @Chris16355 - great question!

Firstly - welcome! Did you already take advantage of our two weeks free trial on the Teams Plan? You should have been able to test out all paid features when doing so! If you were for some reason not afforded that trial consider signing up again with a new email address just to test it out - it’ll help a lot! 

Now, to your question! Yes - using Calendar Invitations will allow you to use variables and other custom fields in order to change the way an event title appears on calendars (for the host and invitee). 

That *should* translate to Zoom, as well. That said - we cannot control the settings within Zoom, and testing that behavior will be important to your use case to figure it out absolutely! 

Check out our Company Admin Guide for more helpful tips, as well - and let me know if you need further help!