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How to mark an event private in outlook with integration?

  • 17 January 2024
  • 2 replies

Occasionally I have events that don’t need to be shared with my team who has access to my outlook calendar. Is there a way to have an event with a default setting to mark a private meeting on the outlook event when it adds to my outlook calendar?

Hi @Colby!

There isn’t a setting through Calendly, but it could be worth exploring if there’s a filter or rule you can setup on Outlook perhaps based on a word in the event title? I know Outlook has all sorts of functionality to help you categorize and filter, so I’d look into that for sure!

Thank you for confirming. When needed I usually have to go to my calendar in outlook to update the event, but it’s somewhat annoying that I do that to change one setting and required to send an update to recipients.

Thanks for the suggestion on the filter. I’ll look to see if that’s a potential option.