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I use all day events to mark reminders, birthdays etc. Just found out that an all day event I had set to remind me of a likely client booking, was in fact preventing this very client from booking his slot!


All day events should NOT actually block my slot availability. How can I turn this off?

Hey there @nowSimon -- great question!

This will depend on what type of calendar connection you have set up, actually!

  • Google: if you are using Google Calendar, it’s as simple as making sure to mark your all-day events as “free” instead of “busy”
  • iCloud: if you are using iCloud Calendar, it’s a bit tricker, as all-day events are automatically “busy” -- more on this below
  • O365/ same as Google Cal -- just make sure to mark the events “free” instead of “busy”

iCloud Calendar All-Day Events


You can use the "busy" and "free" status in iCloud calendar to control how all-day events affect your availability on your booking page.

Unfortunately, iCloud calendars no longer let you change the "free" or "busy" status on the Calendar desktop app. However, sometimes you can change the status of an event from your iOS device (iPhone or iPad).

To check if you can change the status of an event on your iOS device, Edit the iCloud event and select Busy under Show as.


Can't see the "Show as" option?

If you don't see the Show as option, sometimes you can see it after you create a new iCloud calendar on your iOS device. Learn more about creating a calendar on

If your all-day events aren't reflected accurately on your booking page, you can use the workarounds below to make sure your availability is accurate.

Block off time without using an all-day event

When you create an all-day event in an iCloud calendar, it's marked as Busy by default. If an all-day event is showing you as available when you wish to be unavailable, you can:

  1. Change the status of the event from Free to Busy using an iOS device as described above. Or
  2. Create a new event that takes up most of your day, but has "all-day" unchecked. For example, you can create an event that runs 7 a.m.–7 p.m. This will prevent invitees from booking with you at this time.

Hiding all-day events from Calendly

If an all-day event is blocking times when you wish to be available, you can move your all-day event to a separate calendar to hide it from Calendly.

For example, you can create an iCloud calendar called "all-day events" and adjust your settings so Calendly does not read from that calendar.

1. Create a new calendar in iCloud that includes your all-day event.

2. In Calendly, go to Account > Calendar Connections. Under Check for conflicts, select Edit for your iCloud calendar, then uncheck the calendar with the all-day event.

I hope this helps! You can read more in our Help Center. Here are some good resources:

Hi Kelsi, thank you, this seems to have worked. And also seems to be the standard setting, but this particular event must’ve set itself to all-day. Thank you very much!

Hey there @nowSimon -- I am so genuinely glad to hear you were able to change that pesky “busy” status and free up your availability. 

Also, you’re right! The default on iCloud Calendar all-day events should be “free”, but sometimes tech likes to glitch out and do whatever it wants, right? 

Just remember these settings next time and you shouldn’t have any issues (along these lines) again. 🤗