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One user, multiple organizations

  • 18 May 2024
  • 3 replies

I seem to have stumbled upon a significant limitation of Calendly.

I run my own Airtable consulting company, and I use Calendly with my customers so that they can book time with me.

Similarly, my friend Beth runs her own consulting company, and she uses Calendly with her customers so that they can book time with her.

So we both run our own companies, and we’re both using Calendly.

But now, in addition to running her own consulting company, Beth is now doing subcontracting work for my consulting company as well.

In other words, Beth is still running her own company, but she is also doing occasional subcontracting work for me as well.

So I sent Beth an invite to join my Calendly organization, so she can create her own Calendly Event Types and then her Calendly availability will show up on my own organization’s Calendly booking page.

However, as soon as she accepted the invitation to join my organization, Calendly removed her from her own organization and switched her over to my organization instead! Calendly sent her an email that said they are refunding her for a prorated amount because she joined my organization!

This definitely is NOT what we wanted! We want her to be a part of BOTH ORGANIZATIONS.

For her organization, she should be an admin, she should be paying for it, and it should be under her own management. For my organization, she should just be a normal user.

But apparently, Calendly doesn’t allow the same email address to be used with 2 different organizations.

This is a significant problem with Calendly and a significant limitation for us.

Calendly should allow the same email address to be used with 2 different organizations, but apparently it does not.

Can Calendly please fix this limitation?

Thank you!

Hey there @ScottWorld - thanks for your post!

I am sorry for the confusion that’s taken place, here, truly. 

I will be sure to relay this valuable feedback to our product team. If there is not clear verbiage explaining what will happen when a Calendly user accepts an invite to join another organization, or explaining to the organization owner what will happen when they add another user, that’s something we really care to know, here. 

That said, at this time, there is no way to change this limitation. Calendly will not allow one email address to be associated with two Calendly accounts/organizations at this time, and I cannot say if or when that might change.

In order for your colleague to both be able to maintain her own, separate Calendly account and join you in your Calendly organization, she would need to maintain two Calendly accounts. She would need to join your organization with a secondary email address, to make this work. 

Then she would simply add her calendars to both of her accounts, so that there is no double-booking issues between the two instances. This way, both Calendly accounts are checking her calendars for conflicts, pushing her Calendly bookings to her add-to calendar and so on.

I know this is not what you wanted to hear and I’m sorry about that! 

Please let me know if you have further questions or concerns. I’m here to help, and to listen.

You might also want to check out our Company Admin Guide. It’s full of information about running a Calendly organization that you might find helpful. 

Thank you, @Kelsi at Calendly! :)

Of course @ScottWorld -- I hope it was helpful!