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Pre-Populating Booking Form Fields Using Answers from Routing Form

  • 9 June 2024
  • 3 replies

If you are looking to capture some of the same information on the routing form as the booking form, limiting the overhead for prospective clients is important. For example, we would like the email address field on both the routing form and the booking form. That way, if a user fills out the routing form, but fails to book, we still have a communication method for following up with them. That said, for someone that does book, it is annoying to have to put in their email to the booking form again when they just supplied it in the routing form step before.

Does anyone else have this need? Have others been able to accomplish this need with third-party tools in the meantime?

I sought to comment on the following post with a similar use case (stating that it is not currently supported functionality), but the discussion is unfortunately closed.


Hey there @thetutortrainer -- thanks for your post!

Just an FYI -- topics close after some time of inactivity, here! That is why you noticed that the topic you linked was not able to be commented on. I’m sorry you weren’t able to simply +1 your ideas onto that post, but do truly appreciate you bringing it back up for us!

While, as you saw on the other post, this is not currently something supported within Calendly using native tools and features, it might be something you can implement using a third party tool/integration. Zapier has tons of third-party > Calendly integrations that they help facilitate, and that might be a great place to start looking!

Something else that you might consider is that many invitees will likely already have auto-fill turned on in their browsers, which makes filling out certain redundant parts of forms like this much easier! I’ve got it turned on in my Chrome and Safari browsers on both my personal and work computers. I often run into the need to fill out at least my name, email address and phone number multiple times as part of the same process (much like what you describe here), and having auto-fill on makes it one heck of a lot easier on me/less time consuming. Hopefully some majority of your invitees will be able to say the same for themselves! 

I do wish I had more to offer -- but I hope this info is helpful! I will make sure to mark your feedback for our product team to review from our monthly report. 

Let us know if you have any more questions! 

Thank you Kelsi, I appreciate it!

Of course, @thetutortrainer --- happy to have helped! Let us know if you need anything else, and have a great night.