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Hi -


I’m sure this question has been posed, but I cannot find anything within the community pages or I’ve used the wrong search terms. 


Here goes, is there a way to reorder the main scheduling/booking page?  And, as a follow up, what display order does the main booking page use (chronological/alphabetical)?


As a coach, I want my discovery session event displayed first; however, given I have ~six additional live event types visible, created after I created the discovery session event, it shows toward the bottom of the page (and most people tend not to scroll down when I embed the booking page on my website).


I am open to any workarounds or alternative suggestions.


Thanks in advance,


Hi @imatter!

You absolutely can re-order your event page and I’m thrilled to say it’s as easy as dragging the event types around. 😁

More info on that here:

Happy scheduling!

@jillian thank you!!!  You’ve made my morning. 😊