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How can I setup an expiration time for the links I sent? E.g. If no meeting was booked in 7 days, the link should not work anymore.

Hey @Cosmin P.! Welcome to Calendly Community! 🤗

At this time there is no way to set an expiration date/time for single-use links. You can read more about sharing your Calendly link/s here: Share Your Calendly Link! The below is pulled from that help center article and might be beneficial info to have about single-use links, in general: 

If you prefer to be more exclusive, share your links only with people you want to meet with. You can also create one-off events that hide the event from your Calendly site.

You can also create and share single-use links to specific events that expire as soon as an invitee books with you. This prevents others from sharing your link so that people you don't want to meet with, can't book with you.

  1. On your Calendly Home page, find the event that you want to share.

  2. At the bottom right of the event tile, select Share.

  3. Select Let this link expire after the first booking.


    Calendly Share your Link Page.png

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions - we’ll be here to answer them! 

Hi @KelsiEllie , thanks for your reply. I am already using one-off meetings instead.


However, could you consider this an enhancement request?

My use case is: I am a support engineer and I use Calendly to set up meeting with customers. I’ve set my 60 min template with some specific settings to easily schedule meetings.


This feature is very cool btw, it actually changed the way I schedule meetings and I can never go back 😃.


Anyways, I just discovered that the links are not getting expired and I got a schedule for a case closed long ago. This actually messed my whole agenda and created a lot of noise.


It would be great if we can make the links expire in X amount of days.


Thanks for taking this into account.

Hey @Cosmin P.!

We love feedback, especially when it’s tied to a very logical and well explained use case. I’ve just added it to the product feedback list I’m assembling for my Product peers that’s going out this week.
