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Time and date of cancellation?

  • 18 July 2024
  • 3 replies

Where can I find the time and date of a canceled meeting? 

In the event export, I can see the start/end time of the meeting, when it was created, if it was canceled (TRUE/FALSE), and who canceled it. Now, I am looking for a way to see the date and time of the canceled event.


Where can I find this?

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3 replies

Userlevel 7

Hello @Sarah23425 -- thanks for your post!

When you say the “date and time of the cancelled meeting” are you referring to when the meeting would have taken place? 

If so, head to your “scheduled events” tab > click “filter” > click “active events” under “status” > select “canceled events” > click “apply” and you will see all canceled events appear in either “past” or “upcoming” -- depending on if the original date is in the past or future. 

Click “scheduled events” > “filter” > “active events” dropdown > select “canceled events” > click “apply

I hope this helps! If this is not what you meant, please clarify and I’ll be happy to assist further. 🤗

Thanks so much Kelsi. This is helpful! I’ll take a look at the scheduled events dashboard for this.


Do you know where I can find the time and date that the cancellation happened? 

Userlevel 3

Hi Sarah23425! I can take this one. 


There isn’t a place in the export that records the time and date of the cancellation. That is a good idea though! I have labeled it as such in our system and will elevate this as a feature request. 


You should, however, have received an email upon event cancellation. That email is automatically generated and can act as a time stamp for when your invitee canceled. I would try searching the inbox of the email that is linked to your Calendly account. Let us know if you run into any more snags!