
Embed Parameter + Branding Issues

  • 6 March 2024
  • 1 reply

Hey @Kelsi at Calendly, I am not seeing “a parameter branding that should have the value false in order to turn off the branding” in the popup widget code. This is what I see. What am I missing? I have already toggled branding off, but it’s still visible on the website.



1 reply

Hi @Corey21011,


Sorry you are running into issues disabling branding on your embed!

The screenshot you have provided appears to be for an inline embed, rather than the pop-up widget.


In our help center article, Embed options overview, you can see an overview of the differences.


Lets take a look at this example code:

<!-- Calendly badge widget begin -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="" type="text/javascript" async></script>
<script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function() { Calendly.initBadgeWidget({ url: '', text: 'Schedule time with me', color: '#0069ff', textColor: '#ffffff', branding: false }); }</script>
<!-- Calendly badge widget end -->

Notice at the very end, before the closing script tag, there is a value of “branding: false”

You should see this in your existing code as “true”, and all you should need to do is change that value!


Hope this helps!
