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Teams API endpoint

  • 24 August 2024
  • 2 replies

I can't find the Teams API endpoint.
Is it possible to manage Teams and Teams Event Types via API?

Microsoft Graph API

1. Microsoft Teams Management:

  • Create, Update, Delete Teams: You can use the Microsoft Graph API to manage Teams, channels, and members.
    • Create Team: POST /teams
    • Get Team: GET /teams/{team-id}
    • Update Team: PATCH /teams/{team-id}
    • Delete Team: DELETE /teams/{team-id}
  • Manage Channels: Channels within a team can also be managed.
    • Create Channel: POST /teams/{team-id}/channels
    • Get Channel: GET /teams/{team-id}/channels/{channel-id}
    • Update Channel: PATCH /teams/{team-id}/channels/{channel-id}
    • Delete Channel: DELETE /teams/{team-id}/channels/{channel-id}

2. Microsoft Teams Event Types:

  • For events related to Teams, such as meeting events or user activities, you may need to leverage the Microsoft Graph API for events and calendar management.
    • List Events: GET /users/{user-id}/calendar/events
    • Create Event: POST /users/{user-id}/calendar/events
    • Update Event: PATCH /users/{user-id}/calendar/events/{event-id}
    • Delete Event: DELETE /users/{user-id}/calendar/events/{event-id}

Getting Started

  1. Register Your App: To use Microsoft Graph API, you'll need to register your application in the Azure portal to get the necessary credentials (client ID and secret).

  2. Authenticate: Use OAuth 2.0 to authenticate and obtain an access token.

  3. Call the API: Use the access token to make API calls to manage Teams and event types.

Yes, it is possible to manage Teams and Teams Event Types via API, but you'll need to use the appropriate endpoints from the Microsoft Graph API. The API allows you to create, manage, and delete Teams, as well as handle various event types. Ensure you have the necessary permissions and refer to the Microsoft Graph API documentation for detailed guidance on the specific endpoints and their usage.




