
Why there is no schedule event endpoint?

  • 22 December 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi Folks,


I started recently started to integrate the calendar schedule to one of our customers.

However, I came across the fact that we cannot Schedule an event from API.

Something that for me was very obvious which could be done.

In the best option, we could prefill an event link but still the customer have to submit the form.


Our usecase is an AI agent integration, making the schedule directly from the conversation flow.


I honestly, need to understand the decision behind a calendar schedule tool to not make available the endpoint to schedule and event, which at the end is all its built for…. 

Could you guys try to explain the decision behind it so I can tell my customer about it?


2 replies

Userlevel 7

Hi Folks,


I started recently started to integrate the calendar schedule to one of our customers.

However, I came across the fact that we cannot Schedule an event from API.

Something that for me was very obvious which could be done.

In the best option, we could prefill an event link but still the customer have to submit the form.


Our usecase is an AI agent integration, making the schedule directly from the conversation flow.


I honestly, need to understand the decision behind a calendar schedule tool to not make available the endpoint to schedule and event, which at the end is all its built for…. 

Could you guys try to explain the decision behind it so I can tell my customer about it?


Hey there, @tecoad! I’m so sorry for the delay - I hope you enjoyed your own holiday! While the holidays can cause some delays, I’m here now!

Ultimately, it sounds like what you are after is an ability for your invitees to schedule via Calendly without actually seeing a Calendly booking page. At this time, that is not possible. While our API allows for cancel/reschedule, it does not allow for new bookings and that is not currently part of our road map. This is because Calendly is designed to help with scheduling using Calendly booking pages and other available tools. Calendly is a scheduling platform that essentially sits on top of your connected personal calendar. It checks for events marked “Busy” and interprets them as conflicts, preventing invitees from scheduling new events at those times.

When an invitee schedules with you, the event is automatically published to your personal calendar and appears on your Calendly Home page under Scheduled Events. Both you and your invitee receive confirmation by email as well, helping to streamline scheduling for appointments, meetings, and more!

Our embed options are generally what I’d suggest here. There are several great ones! I do apologize for any inconvenience caused by an inability to use our API to schedule events, but hope this information is helpful. 



Thanks for you reply. 

But since I am a developer, your explanation were just nullable for me.
Even calendly booking page communicates with the API (but just a no-opened one), but the ability you guys have to communicate with the API is the one everyone else should have. From the tech point of view, nothing changes. Sorry.

It seems that the decision that calendly made to not enable create events from the API, its clearly a matter of reinforce the brand memory to the customers guests, thats ok.. but for now if Calendly doesnt reconsider that decision, will lose market for sure… since ANY other competitor enables that already.

I have managed my client to migrate already, since for us thats is a vital task.



