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Main Calendar Sync with other calendars

  • 27 August 2024
  • 1 reply

This is my problem right now. I need a main calendar that has all the available dates, and some ‘personal’ calendars for each user. I need that if someone books an appointment with one of those calendars, in the main calendar the date is no longer available (and in the other calendars it should also appear as not available). If someone cancels the appointment, the date becomes available again in the main calendar as well as in the other calendars. 

On the other hand, I need each user to be able to manage their appointments without being able to see the appointments that another user has taken (i.e. if someone has taken an appointment on Monday at 12:00 and that someone has not been me, I cannot see the details of who it was, but simply that the date is no longer available).

How could I achieve this, using the Teams option in Calendly, synchronising all calendars...?

Hi LaManglana!


You’ve outlined a few different questions here but I’ll break them down into two answers that should address everything. And yes, you are on the right path by using a Teams plan. 

  • “I need a main calendar… and some ‘personal’ calendars for each user.” and “if someone books an appointment… the date is no longer available”
    - On a Teams Plan you can have as many users as you want. Each can have up to six calendars connected per user. The way Calendly works is that it sits on top of your existing digital calendar(s) and schedules appointments when there is availability on one of those calendars. It can only add and subtract the event types that you set up. Once it has added one of those event types to the synced calendar, that time slot will no longer be available for Calendly to book. Coordinating multiple calendars for one user should be done via linking them by whatever calendar client you use, whether that be Google, Microsoft, etc. Most calendar clients offer the ability to automatically add events from one calendar to another based on automation rules you set up. Again, Calendly won’t have any power to control those rules or settings. It simply sits on top of existing calendars.
  • “I need each user to be able to manage their appointments without being able to see the appointments that of] user”
    - User shouldn’t be able to see each other’s appointments if they have their visibility settings setup to ensure privacy on each of their individual calendars. All that Calendly will see, and by extension an invitee using a booking page, is that there either is or isn’t time available. No details of prior meetings will be shared with invitees on booking pages. Additionally, on a Teams Plan, an administrator has extra power to create event types for the team and can control a myriad of settings. I’ll leave more details about Team Plans below. 

More resources:
How Calendly Works

New User Guide

Working with multiple email accounts and calendars

Teams Plan

Setting Up A Teams Page

Using Calendly As A Team
