
API endpoint to return list of availability for shared calendly event type, with each time slot showing WHO is avilable

  • 13 March 2024
  • 2 replies

I’m building an integration, where i need to know the availabilty slots, as well as who is available for each slot;


I can only find this endpoint for availabity slots, however it doesnt return WHO is available for that slots;

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2 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi @jasonzhou, thanks for posting your question!

We don’t currently have a way to determine who is available in multi-host event types when calling the list event type available times endpoint, or a way to determine how many people can be booked.

We have seen this request before so I went ahead and added your post to an internal feature request for this. If you’d like to share some additional details here about your use case and why this feature is important, that would be a great addition!

If you know which schedules or availability your hosts have, you may be able to determine whether a host is available using our other availability endpoints.

The list user busy times endpoint will let you know when a particular user is busy or free. A host cannot be booked when they have a busy calendar event or Calendly event at that time, so this can let you know which host/s are not available for scheduling.

You can also get a user’s availability schedule, which can help you determine which hours the user is normally available if they have applied it to the event type. Their availability will be their schedule’s hours minus any busy/Calendly events.


To create an API endpoint that returns a list of availability for a shared Calendly event type, including information about who is available for each time slot, you'll likely need to use Calendly's API along with some custom logic. Here's a general outline of how you could approach this:

1. Authenticate with Calendly API: Start by authenticating with Calendly's API to access event and user data. You'll typically need to obtain an API key or set up OAuth authentication.

2. Retrieve Event Type Availability: Use the Calendly API to retrieve availability for the shared event type. Calendly's API offers endpoints to fetch availability for event types within a specific time range.

3. Check User Availability: For each available time slot, determine which users are available. You may need to query your own system or external sources to determine user availability during those times.

4. Format Response: Create a response object that includes details about each available time slot along with information about the available users. This could be in JSON format, with each time slot containing a list of available users.

5. Expose Endpoint: Implement an endpoint in your backend server that handles requests for availability information. This endpoint should interact with the Calendly API and any other necessary data sources to gather availability data and return it to the client.

6. Security Considerations: Ensure that your endpoint is secure and properly authenticated to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive availability information.

Here's a basic example of what the endpoint's response could look like:

  "availability": [
      "start_time": "2024-04-12T09:00:00",
      "end_time": "2024-04-12T09:30:00",
      "available_users": ["John Doe", "Jane Smith"]
      "start_time": "2024-04-12T09:30:00",
      "end_time": "2024-04-12T10:00:00",
      "available_users": ["Jane Smith"]
    // More availability slots...

This response includes information about each available time slot and the users who are available during those times. Adjust the response structure and data as needed to fit your specific requirements and the capabilities of the Calendly API.