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Hi there. Just encountered issue with my Calendly on my Wordpress site. The calendar doesnt show up on mobile view. Can you please help me how to fix this one? 

The website page is


Hope you can help me 🙏🙏🙏

It is difficult to say why exactly this is happening on your specific wordpress configuration, but the widget appears to be working correctly and this is strictly a styling/CSS issue with wordpress. I suspect that the Widget’s container or even the parent containers do not allow for the widget to be fully rendered/visible on the page.

Its not ideal but the best suggestion I can offer at this time is to play around with the layout of the page containing the widget. Perhaps start with the widget, add it to a new blank page, and work up from there to see when it no longer becomes visible on the live view of your connect page. Layered CSS can be very tricky, especially with multiple integrations like a widget!

thanks for the response clifton. will try to work from there.
