
Can I cancel an event through the API?

  • 12 April 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi there,

I am interested in canceling an event through the API, but the endpoint is looking for a UUID.

When my event was originally scheduled through the API, Calendly never gave me a UUID.

When my event was originally scheduled, Calendly gave me a URI, but that is not being recognized by Calendly’s API as a UUID.

How can I find the UUID of this event, so that I can cancel this event through the API?

Thank you!

4 replies

Hey @ScottWorld,


The UUID is actually contained within the URI!


In regards to the format of these values in the URI:



Hope this helps!

Thanks so much for your help, @Michael G! 😀

I’m using to monitor a Calendly webhook, so I can be instantly alerted when an event is scheduled.

However, after an event is scheduled, Calendly is not returning to me the type of URI that you posted in your message above.

Calendly is returning to me 2 different types of URIs instead. 

These are the 2 URIs that I get from Calendly, and this is how they look:

URI #1:

"uri": ""

URI #2:

"uri": ""

Both of these URIs are sent to me after the event is scheduled, but I’m not sure why it’s sending me 2 URIs, and I’m not sure why these aren’t in the same format that you posted above.

Do you have any insights on why I am receiving these 2 URIs, and how I can extract the UUID from either of these URIs?

Alternatively, do you have any insights on how I can receive the type of URI that you posted above?

Thank you!


Hey @ScottWorld

Thanks for the follow up, I​​​​​​’m happy to expand on what my colleague mentioned to help you with this! So Michael G posted an example where the path was set to “organization”. The link provided below:

This was just one example using the organization path, however in your example, it’s the “scheduled event” and “invitee” paths instead. It’s important to keep in mind that there are many link paths, such as 

and more!


So if you break down the links in your example: 

  1. "uri": "” -- This is using the “scheduled_events” path, and provides you with the URI as a full link. If you just wanted the UUID, you can take the string directly after scheduled_events/. So in this case its 5506c5f3-a5bd-4a29-8235-10079424e1a5
  2. "uri": "" -- When taking a close look, you’ll notice the same string after the scheduled_events/. You can also notice now the invitees/ after that string, which is another path for your URI! So you have 2 UUIDs in this URI, one is for the specifically scheduled event, and the other defines the invitee. 

So in summary, when you receive these URIs, always look at what is being defined in the URI path. From there you can grab the UUID associated with that path (whether you want the UUID of the invitee or the scheduled event itself). 

Hi @Austin,

Thank you very much for this detailed explanation! I greatly appreciate it! 😀

This is extremely helpful.

Thank you!

