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In a webhook I’m catching new scheduled events and all my events use MS Teams as ‘location’.

I want to capture the MS Teams conference ID and according to the API docs ( that id should be present under I also know that location.status can be ‘processing’, and in that case I guess it’s normal the ID is not yet available.

However, when I fetch the event info via the API a bit later on, I see that the status has changed to ‘pushed’, but the is still not available. It stays 

"data": {

"audioConferencing": {

"conferenceId": null,

"dialinUrl": null,

"tollNumber": null



Example scheduled event id: 0fc8f92b-6c88-4130-8cd5-9662fd4c45b6

It looks like this object isn’t updated even when the status has changed to ‘pushed’.

Am I correct in thinking this is a bug or am I missing something? Would love to get some help, because we really depend on the MS Teams conference ID in our product.

Hey @Info70307,

Sometimes when this data is missing, it’s an indication that MS doesn’t have the license for the audio conferencing feature. Would you mind double-checking that the license/add-on has been added to your MS Teams account.
