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I use Calendly to manage availability and event booking for my website, and users provide their Calendly embedded booking page URL when they sign up so other users can directly schedule meetings with them. However, my website has it’s own calendar that I want to sync with each user’s Calendly calendar. In order to do this, I just need the start and end times of events that users schedule with each other using Calendly.

I need some way to get the start and end time of events when they are booked from the embedded page to my parent website. Embedded pages send a notification to the parent window when an event is scheduled, but the payload only contains the event URI and not the fields I need.

I also tried making a GET request to the Calendly API every time an event is scheduled based on the event URI, but the GET Event request only gives permission when the caller is the event owner, not an invitee.

Has anyone found a way to do what I’ve described? I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

Hi ​@hehub000,

Sorry, hit send before I was done writing...


One possible solution here is to register a webhook for users that interact with your site. When a meeting is scheduled, your system would receive a webhook message with details about the meeting (that payload includes the event start and end times).
