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@Austin I’m finally working on implementing the process you outlined in this post: 


But I’m running into one problem. My CancelEventTemplate that I copied from the installed package has this in the Subject line: {!$Record.Calendly__EventSubject__c} - Calendly - {!$Record.Calendly__InviteeUuid__c}


There is no “Canceled” verbiage to update to “Rescheduled”. However, even though this flow is active without “Canceled” in the subject, my events in Salesforce are changing to Canceled. So I’m wondering if there is something else inside of Calendly that is putting “Canceled” in the subject line and passing it over? 


I did try adding “Rescheduled” to my flow to see what would happen. I tested it out, and the rescheduled meeting in Salesforce ended up with the subject “Rescheduled: Canceled: Subject - Calendly - ID”.


So I’m thinking there has to be something outside of the Flow that is setting the title to “Canceled”. 


If I need to put in a ticket, I will, but I thought I’d start with you to see if you knew anything about it. 

Hey ​@Rachel55626 - in Salesforce we push over a checkbox field for use with the flow called “IsRescheduled” which can help you identify which events were rescheduled to a new version vs. events that were cancelled. 

You can see how to make this status visible for reporting here:

You currently aren’t able to rename the newly rescheduled event based on this IsRescheduled flow that I’m aware of. I hope this helps with your configuration!

Thanks, ​@Austin, but that’s not quite what I’m asking.

In the previous post, you said,

Essentially you can change a rescheduled original event to have “Rescheduled” in the name instead of “Cancelled” by adding a decision element in your canceleventtemplate flow.

But the problem I’m running into is that my Cancel Event Template flow doesn’t say “Cancelled”, so I can’t update it to “Rescheduled”. It just says {!$Record.Calendly__EventSubject__c} - Calendly - {!$Record.Calendly__InviteeUuid__c}. Something inside the {!$Record.Calendly__EventSubject__c} field is writing “Cancelled” automatically. 
