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Hi Calendly,

we have a German website with two languages, German and English. The website should be for people in Germany that couldn't speak the german language. It would be perfect if we could present Calendly in both languages in the right language. But if not, it would be more important if we could get Calendly in english. We setted up the form on english, but on the website we got it on german. I tried different things. I tried to set up the Calendly-URL like this "?locale=en", I tried to use for implementation Javascript and an Iframe. I chanaged system and browser language and nothing helps. Is it an IP-Localisation Script and is there no other options for the languages?

Thank you for your help! 

Hi ​@Moustafa08806

Can you drop a link to the website where the embed is hosted. By default, the embed code should respect the locale that’s set on the event type. Does the scheduling page render correctly if you visit it outside of the embed code?


Hi andrew,

Thank you for your response! If I call it directly from the link it is for me  still in german:

I tried something with the url "?locale=en".

The same on the development website:

We would prefer it in english and in Calendly backend setted up in english.

Thank you for your help!

I checked and it looks like the locale is still set to German for that event type. You should be able to switch the locale back to English and then the scheduling page will use English.

Thank you, but unfortunately it is set to English. 😐 I add a screen:



I see the problem, you’re editing a different Event Type. The scheduling page for the ET that you provided in the screenshot is:


Sounds like you may have setup a few different accounts and the ET for is associated with a different user account. Try logging into that account and updating the 30min ET there.

Ohh great, thank you very much! So sorry, that was an internal communication error.

I see the problem, you’re editing a different Event Type. The scheduling page for the ET that you provided in the screenshot is:


Sounds like you may have setup a few different accounts and the ET for is associated with a different user account. Try logging into that account and updating the 30min ET there.

Ah, that makes sense! Thanks for clarifying. 
