
Router form responses - possible to delete them?

  • 12 December 2023
  • 3 replies


The default Routing response analysis is very nice.  My use case with Routing Forms, however, involves a lot of testing.  I’d like the ability to remove these test responses from the client response analysis.

Easy enough to export and clean up the data, but I’d like to be able to simply delete these test responses once a routing form is deployed (or as it gets updated and tested).

I see the routing form submission GET endpoints in the API, but no DELETE endpoint.

I see no option in the Routing Forms GUI to select and delete responses.

Are we NOT able to manage these Routing responses within Calendly at all?

Thanks - would be nice to just know one way or the other for certain!


Best answer by Kelsi at Calendly 13 December 2023, 21:58

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3 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there @MrKennedy - great question!

At this time there is no way to delete submissions. I am including your feedback for our product team to consider! We appreciate hearing about these specific use cases and needs.

For now, the best workaround would either be to clone the form for testing, or as you mentioned, export the data to another tool that allows filtering.

I know this isn't exactly what you wanted to hear but do hope the information helps, at least somewhat! Let us know if you need anything else. 

Hi @Kelsi at Calendly ,

Thank you - always nice to get a definitive answer when something is not (currently!) possible :) 


Userlevel 7

Hi @Kelsi at Calendly ,

Thank you - always nice to get a definitive answer when something is not (currently!) possible :) 


You are so welcome! I hate telling people “nope,” but I am always glad to be able to provide up to date, definitive information! Glad it was helpful. Have a wonderful holiday, if you celebrate!