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Hello Calendly Developer Community,

I'm encountering a critical issue with the "List Events" endpoint in the Calendly API, specifically related to the pagination functionality. I'm hoping to get some insights or assistance from the community.

Here's a detailed description of the problem:

  • Initial Request Success: The first API call to the "List Events" endpoint to retrieve 100 events works as expected.
  • Pagination Issue: However, when I attempt to make a subsequent call using the page_token parameter (which I received from the initial request) for the next set of events, the API returns a 400 error. This suggests a problem with the pagination implementation.
  • Environment: I've encountered this issue consistently in both Python and Make (Integromat) environments.
  • Comparison with Other Endpoints: To isolate the problem, I've tested pagination with other endpoints, such as the one used for routing forms, and it worked correctly there. This indicates that the issue seems specific to the "List Events" endpoint.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Any advice or guidance on how to resolve or work around this issue would be greatly appreciated. If additional technical details are needed for troubleshooting, I'm happy to provide them.

Thank you in advance for your help and insights!
Here is python code↓

def get_calendly_events():
base_url = ""
params = {
"count": 100,
"organization": "",
"max_start_time": "2024-02-07T23:30:00Z",
"min_start_time": "2023-09-14T13:16:00Z"
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}' # Replace with your access token

events = =]
# i = 0
while True:
response = requests.get(base_url, headers=headers, params=params)
response.raise_for_status() # Will raise an exception for HTTP errors
data = response.json()
filtered_data = filter(lambda x: x 'event_type'] == target_event_type,data.get('collection', ,]))
if filtered_data:

next_page_token = data.get('pagination', {}).get('next_page_token')
pprint(data.get('pagination', {}))
if not next_page_token:
# if i == 0:
# del paramsm'min_start_time']
paramsm'page_token'] = next_page_token
# i+=1

return events

Here is the pic of the predefined backend request of Make module failing.


@AlterCall30248 Thank you for the detailed information. I don’t have access to Make at the moment to give it shot there but, I tried using Postman to try and I was able to make the PageToken work as expected. Below is the screen shot of my Postman test where I used the token I received from my previous call. I didn’t use start/end time so I can get enough responses for pagination. 

I will let others comment here as well to give their thoughts. It is definitely odd to have the issue on just this endpoint. I will see if I can get access to Make. 



Thanks for your response.
I can confirm that it does work when I don’t use `min_start_time` param.
I tried removing that param from the second call already, but it didn’t work either.
Usually other APIs expect the same parameters as the first.

Since we are selling consulting/tranning calls to individuals, there are tons of events.
I really want to have a threshold for this.

Best if we could query events for a specific event type, though.

hmm.. that is odd. 
I tried using min/max and token, I am still able to get the results as expected. See my postman screenshot below.

Do you mind sending an email to our dev support] team? They can probably see something I am not seeing.


I will.
On my end, the result is the same on Postman. I tried the count 25 as well. Only remainig difference I can see is the user vs organization.


So weird. Thank you for reach out to the support directly. Hopefully, they will be able to replicate and figure out what is going on. Sorry about the trouble.

Calendly's technical support advised me to add more zeros which did work:2023-09-14T13:16:00.000000Z

Come to think of it, this format is the standard that the Calendly API expects.
Interestingly, the API appears to be flexible with the format during the initial request, but requires this more precise format for subsequent requests.

This is hilarious.  I was struggling to figure out why this was broken.

Calendly would say the page_token arguent was invalid only when page_token was provided.  Then it turns out it’s inconsistency on how the date format is handled.  

Calendly, please fix this.  These things are maddening and a total waste of time.


It sounds like the issue may be related to how the page_token is being handled or passed in the subsequent requests. Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try to resolve the issue:

  1. Check Page Token Format: Ensure that the page_token you're receiving from the first request is properly formatted and correctly passed in the subsequent requests. It should be a string, and you might want to log or print the token to verify.

  2. Clear Old Parameters: Ensure that the min_start_time or any other parameters from the initial request are not conflicting with the page_token when making the second request. You could try resetting or removing unnecessary parameters after the first call.

  3. API Rate Limiting: Since the Calendly API enforces rate limits, try adding a longer delay (sleep) between requests to avoid potential rate-limiting issues. For example, you might increase the sleep time to 1 second.

  4. Check for Pagination Key: Double-check the API documentation to confirm if there are any additional keys or restrictions for pagination that you might be missing.

  5. Error Details: Inspect the 400 error details. The Calendly API might return more information about the cause of the error in the response body. Parsing and printing that could give further clues.

Here’s a slightly modified version of your code, which ensures that pagination and the parameters are handled cleanly:


def get_calendly_events():
    base_url = ""
    params = {
        "count": 100,
        "organization": "",
        "max_start_time": "2024-02-07T23:30:00Z",
        "min_start_time": "2023-09-14T13:16:00Z"
    headers = {
        'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'  # Replace with your access token

    events = n]

    while True:
        response = requests.get(base_url, headers=headers, params=params)
        response.raise_for_status()  # Will raise an exception for HTTP errors
        data = response.json()

        # Filter the events based on event_type
        filtered_data = filter(lambda x: xn'event_type'] == target_event_type, data.get('collection', ']))

        # Get the next page token
        next_page_token = data.get('pagination', {}).get('next_page_token')
        if not next_page_token:
            break  # No more pages

        # Remove 'min_start_time' after the first request if it's causing issues
        if 'min_start_time' in params:
            del paramsc'min_start_time']

        # Add page_token for the next request
        paramsp'page_token'] = next_page_token
        sleep(1)  # Slightly increase the delay to avoid rate limits

    return events
