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I’ve successfully created a webhook. However, it only triggers when an event is created or cancelled if I am simultaneously logged on to the Calendly web page. 

I understood it would run on every event called by the trigger. 

I am trying to work out if this is by design (and I’m misunderstanding how they work) or the result of a misconfiguration. 

NB I’ve created the webhook using the API Key and an oath token with the same result. 

What I’m trying to achieve is:

  1. Create a single use link using the API
  2. have a user book an event
  3. have that event trigger a webhook (calling an http trigger in PowerAutomate)

I hope some can help. 

Webhooks should be delivered regardless if you are logged into the site or not. Something else must be preventing the delivery of the webhook payload.


Could you provide more info about the webhook subscription (the callback URL or URI for the subscription). Then we can check if there are any related errors in our systems.

I found the solution.

The issue was not with Calendly. It was with the Powerautomate HTTP trigger. 

When a user (any user) is logged on to Calendly, creating or cancelling the event populates the invitee_scheduled_by field in the webhook payload. When a user is not logged on anywhere, invitee_scheduled_by returns null.

The Powerautomate trigger had a response schema, which was only expecting a value of string. As soon as I allowed string or null, the process ran.

The part that made it hard to troubleshoot was that Powerautomate was failing with an error message. 

I hope this helps someone!


Good find and glad that you were able to resolve it! 🎉
