
Weekday circle selectors not always clickable.

  • 2 April 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi, I’m including calendly on my website, it’s been working fine, but I noticed on Sunday just gone that Monday and Tuesday are not selectable, Wednesday is but only on the very edge and Thursday and Friday seem fine… so it seems to be some alignment issue. It seemed to have been working until a short while ago. 

Has there been an update that’s broken alignment recently?


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3 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there @Foxalabs - thanks for your topic!

You seem to be referring to issues with an embed - is that correct? If so, can you tell us what kind of embed you have setup (inline, widget, popup?) and even perhaps show us a screenshot of what it looks like now, with the issues described? You can even include the URL of the website where you’ve embedded your booking page if you’d like! 

More information and context will help us help you! =) 

Looking forward to hearing back from you!


It was a change Calendly made, it used to be that you could turn off the Calendly branding on free accounts. That changed last week and with that small change the offsets used when rendering the screen changed, this threw off the embedding. I had to rip out the old embed code and use the newly generated one and it worked.  

Userlevel 7


It was a change Calendly made, it used to be that you could turn off the Calendly branding on free accounts. That changed last week and with that small change the offsets used when rendering the screen changed, this threw off the embedding. I had to rip out the old embed code and use the newly generated one and it worked.  

Oh, I’m so glad you were able to fix this! I’m sorry that it happened in the first place, though. Please let us know if you need any further assistance! =)