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Enhance Meeting Efficiency with Calendly's Invitee Questions

  • 12 October 2023
  • 1 reply

Do you typically ask a set of standard questions when meeting with others? Imagine the increased efficiency of your meetings if you had those questions answered in advance, providing valuable insights about your invitee from the get-go. With Invitee Questions, you can achieve just that. Whether you're a sales representative, personal trainer, recruiter, or whoever you can have your invitees answer key questions before your scheduled meetings. This enables you to predetermine if the meeting makes sense for all parties or if a better-suited individual should handle it.


Other benefits of using Invitee Questions:

  • Gather essential information about your invitee early on, allowing you to come to the conversation prepared.
  • Save the valuable face-to-face time for planning, high-value discussion topics, and questions.


Here are two scenarios illustrating how Invitee Questions can improve meetings across various roles and industries:


1. Sales Representative (Abby's Story):

Abby conducts frequent 30-minute discovery calls, where introductions and standard discovery questions consume a significant portion of the meeting time. With Invitee Questions, Abby collects some of this information when prospects schedule their call, enabling her to start the conversation well-prepared, assess the prospect's needs, and determine the potential fit.


2. Personal Trainer (Joey's Story):

Joey works with a team of trainers with diverse skill sets and specialties. To optimize client matching and save time, he incorporates Invitee Questions into his "New Client Consultation" event type. These questions help him understand the client's fitness goals and needs, ensuring they are paired with the most suitable trainer or enabling more efficient program planning during the consultation.



Here’s our help article on how to get started with Invitee Questions.

What a great post! I love that you included stories from users! I also truly adore your explanation of what Invitee Questions On Your Booking Page can help accomplish. It never ceases to amaze me, that I can continue to learn about these features from new perspectives every day! 

I wrote a post about this a while back that complements yours well and includes a video tutorial for setting up these questions: 

Hopefully this helps whomever lands on this great topic, as well! 🤗
