Organize your booking page: rearranging event types and more

  • 11 April 2024
  • 7 replies
Organize your booking page: rearranging event types and more
Userlevel 7

Hey there, Calendly Community! 

It’s a sunny ☀️ Thursday morning where I am - I hope that the spring weather wherever you are is pleasant, too! What pairs well with spring weather? Spring cleaning, of course! 🧼 So let’s clean up your booking page and make it look nice, fresh and new. You’ll be glad when you’ve done it - just like you’ll be glad when you’ve finally admitted it’s time to get the dust bunnies from behind your washer and dryer, and actually made it happen. 🧹

What exactly can you do in order to “clean up” your booking page? It all starts within your Calendly account, where you can rearrange event types, change the color that identifies event types and customize your event types in other ways. This translates to your public booking page - where invitees will marvel at your organization. Let’s dig in!

Q: Who will this article benefit? 
​​​​A: Everyone! There is a tip and/or trick in this article that can be applied to all free and paid users alike, though some will be more useful for users on our paid plans. 

🖱️Drag and Drop

Within your private Calendly account, you have a landing page. This is where all of your event types live, active and inactive, and where you can find tools such as your side bar with quick-links to things like “Scheduled events” and “Contacts” (a fun new feature you can read more about here!).

Calendly landing page

Your landing page is where you want to be for “the drag and drop” (as well as for the rest of the tips + tricks in this article). If you are using our web app version of Calendly, all you need to do is click on an event type with your mouse cursor and “drag” that event type to the desired place - then release the mouse and “drop” it where you’d like it to live. 

💡Tip: if you are using the web app on an iPad or another tablet, you will not be able to “long press” an event type and drag/drop it with your finger. However! You can connect a bluetooth mouse to your tablet and drag/drop your event types this way, just like on a desktop. 

Once you’ve done this, the order of the event types will automatically be updated on your public booking page, too!

👀 More of a visual learner? Check out the super quick (29s) video below!


🎨Customizing Colors

When you create a new event type, it’s automatically assigned a custom color that makes it easier for you to identify the event type when scrolling your landing page. This color translates to your live booking page, as well, likewise making event types easier for your invitees to distinguish from each other. 

How can you use colors to improve your workflow? 

  • Assign a single color to each in a group of event types that share the same host
  • Assign a single color to each in a group of event types using the same location
  • Assign a single color to each in a group of event types that share the same time zone

Updating the color of an event type is easy! ☑️ Click to edit your ET > click “Event details” > select the dropdown with a colorful circle next to the “Event name” field  > update the color > click “Save and close” to apply the changes.

Update the color of an event type

👀 More of a visual learner? Check out the super quick (17s) video below!

🗂️Creating Categories

Many of our users create and offer multiple event types that fall within one of several categories of event types.

You can both make things easier on yourself, internally, as well as more visually pleasing and user friendly navigation-wise for your invitees by building “categories” into your event type titles.

💡Tip: click the “gear” icon on any ET > click “clone” to create a second, identical ET > edit the cloned ET as needed. This makes creating multiple event types for the same purpose fast and easy!

Clone an event type

Example use case: 

You are offering classes in pottery, painting and drawing with charcoal. 🧑‍🎨 You offer virtual and in-person options for each of these classes. Your event type titles could look like this: 

  1. “Draw with Charcoal | Virtual
  2. “Draw with Charcoal | In-Person
  3. “Sip and Paint | Virtual
  4. “Sip and Paint | In-Person
  5. “Play with Pottery | Virtual
  6. “Play with Pottery | In-Person

See what we mean? The results look something like this: 

Note: applying the “colors” tip from above, each category of class has its own individual color​​​​

The public booking page would then appear similarly: 

Organized by type of class, location and color. Beautiful!

There you have it - three fantastic ways to organize your booking page, making it more aesthetically pleasing and functional. 🥇

What are some other ways that you’ve found you like to organize your booking page? Comment them below for all to see and benefit from! 🙌🏻

Additional resources you might find useful: 



7 replies

Hi @Kelsi at Calendly thanks for the helpful info! One question for you - using your example above, is there a way to split out each of the categories (Draw with Charcoal vs. Sip and Paint vs. Play with Pottery) onto separate booking pages using a single Calendly license?

I am asking because let’s say my audience for category #1 is a separate target market than my target market for category #2, and I only want people that click on a certain booking page to see only one category of event types. For example, maybe you would want to display all of your Sip and Paint event types on one booking page and all of your Play with Pottery event types on a separate booking page. Is this possible with a single, Standard plan Calendly license?

Thanks in advance!

Userlevel 7

Hey there @thetutortrainer -- excellent question!

Unfortunately the solutions I have to offer would require more than one “seat” (license). Bummer, I know! 

One solution would be to use Calendly Routing Forms (one for each category) that send invitees to the proper event types for booking. Another solution would be a teams page for each category that displayed all event types in that category (this would be like what I went over in the article). 

While you could use routing forms on the Teams plan (they are not available on the Standard plan) as a solo user, you’d still not be able to have multiple event types with overlapping availability. That said, if you do not have a need for overlap, then a single Teams license would technically make this work! You’d not be able to use the teams page solution, though, because in order to create a teams page you need at least one more user to add to that team. 

I hope this info helps!

Great, thanks @Kelsi at Calendly - I appreciate it! I will research the routing forms option under the Teams plan. That said, could natively being able to make these groupings please be added to the backlog as an enhancement request?

I believe that others would likely benefit from having this grouping option/the ability to create separate booking pages. Thanks for your consideration.

Userlevel 7

Hey again @thetutortrainer -- thanks for following up, and absolutely. I will def add the feedback to our monthly report for you! I do agree that it would be super cool to see. 

I hope that something along the routing forms line works out for you, in the “now”! 

Have a great night. =)

Thanks so much Kelsi! Have a nice night too.

Userlevel 1

There are huge usability issues with this page.  its all well and good pretending that users only edit one thing at once. The reality is that we often have an update requiring us to edit multiple things at one.

Try this… 

Try to right mouse click to open multiple events in multiple tabs - you cant

Try to edit several events when you have over 9 events - even harder, as you need to click the more button, meaning if you want to edit the 12th and 13th event, you need to go in twice

there is a workaround, but it inst ideal - that is the right mouse-click the show booking page and then the edit dropdown, but that is very time-consuming too

Can you add a simple clickable list view please


Userlevel 7

Hey @Adrianne16328 -- thanks so much for your valuable feedback! We truly appreciate it, around these parts. I will mark your feedback for our product team to look at in our monthly report! 
