It’s not the world’s fanciest tip + trick - I know! - but it’s an important one. And I guess a bit of life advice too?
It’s alright to not be available all the time… especially when you’re giving your time up for free.
For me, this is super important when it comes to networking. I love connecting with industry peers, but it’s important to me that work and life get first dibs on my schedule. Networking will fit where it fits!
To make this happen with Calendly, I use a 1:1 event type that uses my calendar availability and a super slimmed down availability. In my case, this looks like nixing Mondays, Fridays, any time before 9am and anytime after 4pm. Mondays are just too busy. Fridays are for focus. My mornings are for triage and later in the day is for wrapping things up.
I also have workflows setup to remind participants 24 hours before and automatically thank them for meeting after as well. This helps ensure participants remember to show up and also gives them a chance to follow up after if they’d like.
Last, but not least - I don’t post this event type anywhere public and only share it via email, DM, or other private communication. This helps ensure I’m getting the meetings that matter to me on my schedule.
Hope this helps a bit!