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Welcome to Calendly Community! This community exists as a place for you to find help, inspiration, and connection. We’re absolutely thrilled you’re here.

All community members - customers, partners, employees, and everyone else - are held to the exact same standards and community guidelines. And while we don’t want to be mean about it, offenders may face consequences ranging from temporary removal from Calendly Community to possible terms of use violations. And you should know: We reserve the right to remove any content anywhere on the community for any reason, including and beyond the reasons listed below.


No selling or soliciting

Listen, we all love money and deals. But there are places for that and this is not that place. Please refrain from any and all selling and soliciting including services, items, and the like. This also includes professional services, consulting, and job listings.


A big nope to harassment or disparaging

It’s easy to be a bit more critical or crude when hiding behind a keyboard - but we’re not going to stand for it. No bullying, sexism, racism, etc. We have zero tolerance for intimidation, threats, or intentionally misleading any member of the community - customers and employees alike. If it feels wrong to say it, then don’t say it.


Keep the foul language out of here

You don’t have to talk to us like you’re talking to your grandma (so a few damn’s here and there are fine!), but overtly foul language - especially with the intention of disparaging or causing harm - shouldn’t make an appearance here.


Disagree constructively

You’re going to see perspectives and replies on here that make you go “HUH?” sometimes (don’t worry, we’re probably scratching our heads too). And we actually need your help to ensure information is correct, so we encourage you to disagree… but kindly, constructively, and with all the good vibes. Teach, don’t belittle or shame.


Watch for PII (personally identifiable information)

Fortunately there should be no reason at all for you to accidentally post your social security number, home address, or anything like that. But it is feasible you could accidentally share an email address or phone number when sharing a screenshot. We’ll do our best to blur these out when we see them, but help us to avoid it in the first place!


Give credit when credit is due

Sometimes you’re going to come across some absolutely stellar ideas, information, and knowledge elsewhere and we can’t wait to see what you share. Please be sure to give the creator credit!


Spam + Trolls = Trash

For as long as communities have existed, they’ve been getting hit with spam bots and trolls. And this community will absolutely experience the same at times. And while it’s unlikely that the spam bot or troll is reading this, just know that this behavior is an instant ban. Also, any sort of AI activity that seems fishy will get removed and the author will be banned.

Note: If we suspect you’re a spammer (we know these things), we will ban you without warning.


Stay on topic

Your community manager herself is the queen of random knowledge and tangents, however even she’ll be doing her best to stay on topic. Things deemed off topic will be removed. Anything really off topic - politics, religion, culture, etc. - might have more severe consequences.


Be collaborative, not defensive.

It’s easy to be mighty and untouchable behind a keyboard. Any intentionally unproductive conversations, unnecessary statements meant to seed challenge, discord, or resentment, and similar behaviors will be evaluated, closed for further commenting, or removed entirely. Participants will be reviewed and may face consequences.


Do not impersonate Calendly or Calendly staff

Any intentional effort to impersonate Calendly or Calendly staff is strictly prohibited and may be grounds for immediate banning.

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