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When customers first enter Calendly, one of their first questions is, “How does Calendly know what times I am available?” The answer lies in connected calendars! But how does a user, admin, or owner connect their calendar? Often, admins and owners can find difficulty pushing some of their users across the finish line to connect their calendar because they don’t know where to go. This is why I have put together a simple navigation guide (with videos included) of the different areas across Calendly where a user can connect their calendar. Please note: Some of these instructions may vary or appear differently in your system compared to those of other users.


Below are the following areas of Calendly where you can connect your calendar as a user:

  • Set up steps- When you are first setting up Calendly, you may have automatically set up your calendar connection. To check this, please refer to the next two bullet points below.
  • Availability- Using the dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click on “Availability”, then click on “Connected Calendars” (see video linked here).
  • Integrations- In the integrations section, click on “Calendars” then select the calendar you would like to integrate (see video linked here). 


Now that your users have this information, as an admin or owner you may be wondering: How do I check if my users’ calendars are connected? The answer lies in the Admin area of Calendly or “Admin Center”, where you can go to the “People” section and check under the “Connected Calendars” column (see screenshot below). 


Feel free to share this post with your users so they can quickly set up their calendars and get started booking meetings faster!

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