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Add Multiple Locations for Group Events

  • 15 April 2024
  • 9 replies


I would like to add a choice of Zoom or Microsoft Teams for meetings. I see I am able to do that for One-on-One Meetings, but not Group Events. Am I missing something, or is this not available? If it is not available, I would like to request this.





Hi @Chloe35150!

Can you tell us a bit more about the scenario in which you’d use this?

Group events are generally one host with multiple invitees at once - so think of a workshop with a teacher and multiple students. Seeing as the host can’t be in multiple places at once (not usually at least!), that means a group event would have to take place at one location at a time which is why we don’t offer up a choice of locations. The only alternative I could see is if you’re offering the event both in person and virtual. If that’s the case, I’d recommend setting the event to in-person, including the virtual information in the event, and asking invitees if they plan to attend in-person or virtual.

Let us know!

Hi Jillian,

Thanks for the response. We have a team of 4-5 people from our team on a meeting with 3-4 clients. Our company generally uses Zoom, however, our client’s company may require them to use Teams. We would like to offer them a choice of Zoom or Teams. 

I’m looking at the event and I think it’s actually a Team Collective event, not a Group event.


Hi @jillian, just checking if you have any updates? Thank you!

Hi @jillian, just checking if you have any updates? Thank you!

Hey there!

Right now, any event type that involves more than one host to one invitee will not allow multiple location options. This would include Group and Collective event types. This is because it could cause confusion and issues amongst the multiple attendees. I’m sorry to say - and wish I had better news for you!

I appreciate your feedback and use case, though. 

Gotcha, thank you Kelsi. This would be something that would be nice to offer in future updates if possible. Thanks!

@Chloe35150 totally noted - and your feedback will be included in our report for the month! Thank you for understanding - and let us know if you need any further help!

p.s. check out our New User Guide - it’s full of tips and tricks! 

Hi @Kelsi at Calendly, I completely agree with @Chloe35150  - I’m having the same issue and it’s a big one. We have multiple hosts for an event (i.e. a bigger client meeting) but we have some customers who require Zoom and some who require Teams, but we can’t provide the option? Can you please add this feature as it is essential for us to reach customers interstate. The way it is set up for 1-host links is perfect.

I want to echo this feature request. In addition to multiple web conference options, we also offer phone as an option. The multiple hosts are all on our team. The invitee is the client. Our team can easily switch from Zoom to Phone depending on the client preference. But we need to empower the client to choose one as they are booking the meeting.

Thank you @Jonathan25540 and @Kyle63000 for the descriptions of your use cases, here! We really appreciate it and I will make sure to include the feedback in our report with this feature request.