Hi @TMorris002 - Thanks for reaching out.
At this time, there is not a way to add past appointments into Calendly directly, additionally there is not a way to import events from Google to show on your meetings page in Calendly. This is something thats been requested before, so I’ve sent off your feedback to our product team.
Could you tell me some more about why this feature would be important to have? Any information I can send their way helps!
Hi @David,
Thank you for the quick response. I’m sad to hear that it’s not a feature, but I’m glad I’m not the only one requesting it.
As for my uses, I’m a tutor with an online community college, so I work with students throughout the day, with and without prior scheduled appointments. I keep track of all of my hours on a spreadsheet - when, which student, what we worked on, and for how long. My bosses recently changed how we do our scheduling, so everything has to go through Calendly, meaning that any walk-in cannot be accounted for in the Calendly calendar as it stands currently. This means that I don’t get paid for it or that I have to go through a grueling other process with screenshots and such to prove to my bosses that these appointments are real and on record.
I currently have Calendly copy all appointments to my Google calendar, which leaves a very specifically formatted event that links to my Calendly event. When I duplicate these appointment events to create new appointments, it sends all the same info to the students, has the same links, and sends the same reminders, and Calendly even registers that I have an event then to avoid double-bookings, but the appointment doesn’t show up on Calendly officially. Same goes for if I change the time of an appointment via Google. It will show in mine and my student’s calendars that the appointment time has changed, but Calendly keeps the original time, which is very frustrating because other students trying to book an appointment with me don’t realise that I am free at the previous time now.
I would very much like it if I could simply input old appointments into my own Calendly calendar so that I didn’t have to do all of the back and forth with Google, but if the only way to add past appointments is to import a calendar, I can do that. If Calendly decides to make this feature, it would help a lot.
I’m a very busy tutor that has a lot of walk-ins in a single day, so this scheduling business is the difference between a full pay cheque and half of a pay cheque.