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Allow invitee to choose who they book with?

  • 17 March 2024
  • 2 replies

  1. We would like to have one link for both of our coaches whereas the recipient can pick the coach they want to schedule with versus two separate links. How do we do this?
  2. Along these lines how would we have a master link for different meeting topics (i.e., compliance, business coaching, PIP meetings, etc.) and are wondering how we can do that.


Any and all help much appreciated!

2 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there @Scott73332 - thanks for your post! I am happy to help you figure out how to best utilize Calendly for your needs, so let’s dig in! You’ll also benefit from checking out our New User Guide and our Company Admin Guide as you learn the Calendly ropes!

  1. Check out our Round Robin Event Type option! This event type allows you to assign multiple hosts to an otherwise one-on-one event type so that the bookings are given to them in a round robin style when invitees book meetings. If you would, however, like to allow the invitee to actually choose between the two hosts while sharing a single link, you’ll want to consider routing. You would still need to create an event type for each host on a Team Page, but, you would share the routing form link instead of two event type links. Routing forms let you request information such as industry, company size, specific interests, etc. from website visitors and automatically direct them to a specific scheduling or web page based on their responses. It's great for screening and qualifying sales leads on a website or matching clients or students to the booking page of the right subject-matter expert based on their interests, program, or other criteria. You can read more about setting up routing forms, here! (In your use case, you’d create two event types on a team page, then use a routing form with a question like, “which host would you like to meet with?” and logic that then routes the invitee to the appropriate event type for the host they choose!)
  2. At this time there is no way to set up a master link for different meeting topics in this way. However, you can use routing as the solution here, as well! Create an event type for each topic, then use a routing form to allow invitees to tell you what they are booking to discuss. Example: a routing form that both asks “what host would you like to meet with?” and “what are you booking to meet with them about?” with radio button options to answer each that then routes to the appropriate event type. This would involve creating an event type for each host for each topic, as well.

Read more here:

Lastly, because you cannot create “true” one-on-one event types on a team page, but the above use case would require that, read more about the workaround for this: 

I hope this helps! Let me know if anything is too confusing and I’ll be happy to break whatever that is down for you in a different way. Have a great Monday!

Thank you very much!
