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Allow me to book a meeting on behalf of a customer and override any buffers

  • 17 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Example: client asks me by email if we can meet later today. I want to be able to create the meeting so that the client doesn’t need to do anything. But I have buffers which will prevent a meeting being booked same day. So currently I have to go and edit the event type to remove the buffers, then book the meeting, then go and re-add the buffers.

I’d love it if I could choose to override the buffers when I create a meeting on behalf of clients.

Calendly simplifies the whole process of booking a meeting so I really want to be able to use it for all meetings, not just ones that clients book far in advance.

Perhaps what I’m asking for is possible but I haven’t figured out how to do it yet?

Hi @Flemming70761!

We recently introduced some subtle functionality into beta that might do just what you’re looking for. It lets you book over events that might be unavailable otherwise. Check it out here:

Hope this helps!

Thank you so much @jillian, that is exactly what I was hoping for!

That is going to make my life so much easier! 😀 👍👍