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I have some parameters set on my schedule to allow event types to overlap eachother. As an example: We use Calandly to have cusotmers book a cold plunge session and sauna sessions. These are in different rooms and can be booked at the same time. I put the paremeters in the scheduling times in the Event Type Set up to allow sauna appointments to overlap with events that “Include” Plunge. But the system is not seeing these appointments and still blocks out that time slot for the sauna event type. 


Any suggestions on trouble shooting?


Hi ​@Vitality76788 - Thanks for reaching out here! Can you try changing the parameter to Matches Exactly and include the full meeting name as it appears in your connected calendar?  Let me know if this works.

If not - can you send over a screenshot of the Overlap rule, as well as the event you’re trying to book over? I can take a closer look from there.