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Allowing for clients to book specific hosts?

  • 5 March 2024
  • 3 replies

Is there a way for a teams page to allow the client to choose which host they want to communicate with based on their availability? It seems in the Round Robin event type there are no host pictures and a host would be selected randomly. 

Thanks for the Help!

Hey there @BradenPFB - great question! Check out both our New User Guide and Company Admin Guide to get started. They’ll help with tons of questions like this one!

You can do this - but it takes a bit of setup! You are right that Round Robin Event Types would not work for this goal. You’ll need to create “one-on-one” event types for each host you wish to have appear as an option on your team booking page. However, true one-on-one events cannot be created on team pages - so workarounds enter the chat here! Check out the below articles for more info, and let me know if you have any questions! 

I hope this helps!



Thanks so much. Is there a way to have individual pictures show up as well and names? It seems like it is the generic team logo and name but I could name each team members event with their names if not pictures.

Hey there again, @BradenPFB - great question! I am so glad the info shared so far seems to have been helpful. Let’s dig into this, now! 🤗

As of right now, the team avatar that you (or any admin) sets in place for a specific Team Page will be the logo that appears on all event types on that team page (and on the public booking page for each of those event types). That said, the workaround we’ve seen many owners/admins use for this goal is to include the name of the host in the title of each even type!

For example: 

  1. Event Name A: Host Name A
  2. Event Name B: Host Name B
  3. Event Name C: Host Name C

and so on! I know it’s not the prettiest solution, but it does seem to work out very well for others in your position! I know this isn't exactly what you wanted to hear but do hope the information helps, at least somewhat!