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applying multiple schedules to one event category

  • 18 January 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello, I have two one-on-one event categories to offer to students. Let’s call them events X and Y. Some days I can offer students the choice of scheduling X or Y, other days, I am only available for X. To capture this variability, I’d like to have two Schedules: Schedule A, where only X events are available; another Schedule B with X or Y events available. The issue I’m having is that it seems like I can only assign each event type to one Schedule at a time. Once X events are linked w Schedule A, I can’t link them to Schedule B without them being removed from Schedule A. Is there a way around this? 

Hi @Kadee,

Interesting question! Event types can only be associated with one schedule as we can’t reconcile conflicts in 2 schedules (for example, let’s say you’ve got 12-1 free on Schedule A but blocked off on Schedule 😎. I think in this scenario, I’d consider creating 2 event types - one associated with each schedule - and give your students access to both of those. As you’re in education, I suspect one might be in-person where the other is virtual. No harm in letting students pick and respect your schedule!