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I would like to share a link within a community I belong to. I have created a “private” event/link. Is there a setting that will let me approve a requested meeting before the invite goes out? 


Hey Scott! Great question! Unfortunately, Calendly does not currently support manual confirmations. We’ve found that manual confirmation increases the steps you have to take to book meetings. Not having to confirm, deny or reschedule a booking eliminates the email back-and-forth of scheduling. Calendly is a scheduling platform that essentially sits on top of your connected personal calendar. It checks for events marked “Busy” and interprets them as conflicts, preventing invitees from scheduling new events at those times.

When an invitee schedules with you, the event is automatically published to your personal calendar and appears on your Calendly Home page under Scheduled Events. Both you and your invitee receive confirmation by email as well, helping to streamline scheduling for appointments, meetings, and more! For this reason, it should not be necessary to manually confirm event bookings - as Calendly already knows when you are and are not available!

However, you can certainly reschedule or cancel events from your Scheduled Events tab as necessary!

To help you maintain control, we’ve also provided lots availability setting options so you don’t have to worry about confirming. When you set your desired availability, the only options invitees have are the time slots that you’re truly prepared for. Here’s some more information about this: Schedules and defining your availability. For greater control over who can schedule with you, you might also consider using secret event types or single-use links!