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We are investigating using calendly to manage the use of a person as a bookable resource in Group Type situations. We are clear on creating multiple events (full day, half day) and the maximum number of people that can be booked against the Host at any one time.


What we seem to be missing is a way to manage additional attendees without email address that come along with the person booking.


For a day with max 20 attendees: We want to either:

  • Allow the person booking to record they bring along 3 other people, so the availability of the full day booking and each half day booking reduces to 16 OR
  • Have the ability for the administrator to reduce the availability for the full and half days each - ON THAT DAY ONLY - to be 16, based on a custom field this attendee fills out.



Is there anything in the settings or even the API that we can utliise?


Hi @Jochen,

I’m bummed to say there isn’t any way to currently do this, but it’s an intriguing use case and one that definitely has its place. I imagine this being super useful for workshops, tours, etc. Can you tell us a bit more about your use case?

I’m going to tag in my peer @SchedulingSteve and see if he’s got any thoughts from a product side and I’ll also add this to our product feedback rollup for January.



the use case is to book one of 20 seats on one of 3 fishing charter vessel that you can book morning, afternoon or whole day. (Come visit! There are some edge rules, which we don’t even expect Calendly to do:


  • Can’t charge card with Stripe below 8 people 
  • Children are cheaper
  • Upsell renting a rod or buying bait


What calendly does really well here is booking that seat across one part of the day or the whole day.


As a background, we are helping this client as Wordpress developers and normally we would not consider signing up a customer to 3 Calendly accounts when we can reduce ongoing cost by using Open Source software. There is however no booking plugin that has anywhere near as nice a user interface as Calendly or as simple to book for end users. So we decided that in this case, the cost of 4 years of Calendly (1440 USD) is cheaper than what we could produce with custom programming. We wouldn’t consider this business case for 10 boats.


Hope this helps. If the simple resource management per time slot was mananged by Calendly, this use case could be applied to a wide swathe of the New Zealand tourism industry. There are probably a good chunk of such businesses in the US as well.


