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We have a sales calendar with signs ups from across the US, and it seems that our last 3 bookings didn’t have their ‘auto-time zone’ adjustments work, and they thought they were scheduling based on their local time zones. 


I tested this calendar out via a VPN in a different country (European Country), and it still showed as EST. 


Is there another setting that could be overriding auto- detect for our calendar to be defaulting on EST time zone?




Hi ​@Chris41065 - Thanks for reaching out!

That is the only option that would effect this, we tested this a few times from a few different browsers and it looks like its updating for me correctly. Do you know which time zones these users are in normally? Is this something happening with every user thats you’re scheduling with? 

Usually when this happens we recommend clearing the cache and cookies or trying from a separate browser. But let me know more about what you’re seeing and I can dive deeper to see if we have anything going on!

I am having the same issue. Can you please confirm my account is working? There is no chat feature or somewhere I can email. 

Hi ​@Alex52025 - Thanks for reaching out!

You can email our support team at OR by chatting in from our help center here:

This is something more fit for that team to dig into, as they would want to dig into some of the event details.

Let me know if you have any questions!