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Calendly have removed the “Availability” function.  I have raised this issue previously and they have not bothered responding and have also closed off the conversation to further comments so starting this again to try and get some attention from the Calendly people.


Instead you have created very odd functionality which is not at all helpful.

Please roll back so we have the calendar style Availability function that we used to be able to see. 


Previous date overrides have been completely removed.


There are a lot of instances where I need to make adjustments just to one day.  That doesn’t mean it’s a “holiday” or “time off” and the way you are displaying these is not helpful.


Can we have an update please??

Hi @Sophie64060,

Some changes are being rolled out as we speak that should get our users back into a workflow more similar to the prior state. You should see these changes in your account within the next two weeks.

That will be good as the current method is not functional at all. I have been looking at other systems to transition to as a result.

Why don’t you reply on the other post as well?  I don’t know why that was closed off before it got a resolution.