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Availability issue in group events

  • 26 February 2024
  • 1 reply

I have two group events that share the same calendar because they have different prices. Each event has a capacity for 6 participants. When a spot is booked in one of the events, the availability for that day disappears in the other event. How can I solve this?

Hey there @Manuela50522 - great question! Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform! You might also benefit from our Company Admin Guide, so check that out, too! These guides will answer a lot of your questions. =) 

To your question - there is currently no way to allow overlapping events within a single Calendly user account. This is because Calendly treats each user as an individual that cannot be in more than one place at a time. As a result, being scheduled by one event type at 3PM for example, prevents you from being booked in any other event type at 3PM for that day. Group Events are a great workaround for this when you need to schedule multiple invitees in a single time slot - but two Group Event Types still cannot be scheduled at the same time for a single host. 

In order to allow multiple event types to be booked simultaneously/during overlapping times, you will want to create a separate Calendly user account representing each individual event type (so, in this specific use case you would need to add one additional paid seat/user to your account - this can be with your own alternate email address and you will manage both accounts from your main “owner” account via a team page - more below!). Keep in mind, each user account will be an additional subscription cost. You can read more about our plans, pricing and features on our Pricing Page! Note: an annual subscription will result in a 20% discount for all paid plans!

If you would like to move forward with creating a separate user account representing your different schedules, you will first need to purchase the number of desired user seats from the billing page. You can then navigate to the users page to send an organization invitation to your alternative email addresses representing the different schedules. 

You can then create a team page that includes all of your users, and the corresponding event types for their separate schedules (i.e. recreate one or both of your Group Event Types under the team page and assign one host - one of each of your accounts - to each). This way both events can take place simultaneously! =D 

I do hope this helps - but let me know if you get stuck! I’ll be around all afternoon!

Here are some helpful resources to look at as you do all of this: