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Availability issues

  • 18 July 2024
  • 5 replies

I’ve marked myself as unavailable for a seires of days where I’ll be at meetings. Yet when the client gets the link to schedule an appointment those days still show up as available. How do we fix this?


I’m not synced with any particular calendar. I just have them schedule and I get an email then enter into my calendar manually.



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5 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there, @Thomas03546 - great question!


Where did you mark yourself as unavailable using date overrides? Was it directly in an event type itself, or on a schedule? If the latter, what’s most likely the case here is that you haven’t applied that schedule to your event type. 


You can do this by heading into your event type > clicking “scheduling settings” > clicking your current name/schedule > clicking the dropdown under “available hours” > selecting the desired schedule > clicking “save and close.” You can read more about properly setting up your available hours in Calendly here: Calendly Schedules

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else at all. 🤗

Thanks for the quick reply. I used the availability tool. Using working hours. Then added the specific date and hours usint the button that says + Add date-specific hours. They’re listed as unavailble her but not in the main part of your system.



Userlevel 7

Thanks for following up with me @Thomas03546 -- now I see what’s wrong!


If you are setting your hours from the availability tab you have to apply the schedule to the desired event type/s, much like when choosing a schedule within an event type. I took your screenshot and marked it up, below, to show you how! 


In the screenshot below: 

  • Red: a message noting the above
  • Green: the “active on” dropdown
    • Select this dropdown
    • Choose the event/s you want to apply the schedule to
    • Click “Save” to apply 


I hope this helps! ⭐

Thanks. Now I see what I did incorrectly. Thanks again.

Userlevel 7

You are so welcome! I’m glad you got it sorted out.

Let us know if you need anything else.

P.s. check out our New User Guide and our Getting Started Guide. They are both jam-packed with tips + tricks to help you learn all about these settings and more!