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I have been using calendly for a little while now and been really happy with the way that it all works. the more ive been using it something ive been struggling with is making sure people book sessions back to back.



if i have space for booking on a monday from 8am-8pm i might have someone booking in at 8am and then the next client will book in at 11am and the last one books in at 6pm. with this is spreads out my day so i would like it to only open up slots either side of a booking. does this make sense?

Hey ​@Benhorner9 -Thanks for reaching out.

Understood! This is commonly referred to as ‘Cluster Scheduling’, and its listed as a feature request with our team. While its not a feature now, I can forward this post on to build more support for this. With how helpful this can be, hopefully we can see this in the future

Let me know if you have any questions.
