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I want to set up calendly for my uncle's business. I see you guys have the option to sign in using Gmail or Microsoft, but my uncle uses a sympatico email address. I thought I could sign him up for a Microsoft account and use that to connect. But I also see you have you have option to register with only an email. I guess calendly has their own calendar that would be used that case? 

I was just wondering which of these 2 options you think would be better and if their are any drawbacks to either method.

Thanks :)

Hi @Joshua10251!

Such a good question.

So it’s feasible to use Calendly without an external calendar like Google Calendar or Microsoft Calendar. It just means that all of his bookings and such would have to happen in Calendly and your uncle would have to remember to block out events, specific dates, etc. in Calendly on a regular basis. For example, let’s say he’s got a non-business related appointment on a Monday. He’d have to update his availability in Calendly so he doesn’t get booked during that time! But if he’s not using an online calendar at all right now, that might be alright for him. He’d likely adapt just fine.

But personally, if this was my uncle I’d get him setup on either Google or Microsoft (leaning towards Google; better access to a whole suite of other tools like Docs, Sheets, etc. and more integrations for future growth) and get him using the online calendar to ensure he’s got the right times available.

Good luck! Let us know what you decide to do.