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Best way to set up two pricing options for an event (with payment at booking)

  • 26 August 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi! I’m wondering the best way to set this up…

I have an event that will include a stripe payment link at the time of booking.

There is a registration fee for everyone attending the event.

If someone wishes to have CEUs for the class, that is an additional cost.

Is there a way to offer two pricing offers at the time of booking that event (one with and one without CEUs) or does the CEU cost need to be set up as a separate item somehow. If it does need to be separate, is there a way to make both the registration and CEU purchase in one transaction?


Hi OnPath12441,


Calendly does not currently support tiered payment integrations. This is a good idea though and I’ve marked it as such in our system. I’ll make sure our Product Team reviews this post. 


All that said, there is a workaround to set up two events with different pricing and use routing forms with a screener question to navigate attendees to the correct event. Since you will be booking the same time with two events you will also want to use the Book Over meeting feature and be careful with event attendee limits. I’ll describe a basic workflow:

  1. Set up two different events and configure event details including price options for each

  2. Set Up a Routing Form to direct attendees to the appropriate event based on their selection. Create a screener question that asks the attendee which pricing option they prefer using radio buttons.

  3. Use Routing Form Logic to direct attendees to Event A or Event B based on their response. For instance, if they select the option without a CEU, they are directed to Event A; if they select the option with a CEU, they are directed to Event B.

  4. Enable the "Book Over" feature to ensure that time slots remain available across both events. Simply tell Calendly to ignore the other group event on your calendar, you will search by name.

  5. Manage Event Limits: Be mindful of attendee limits for each event to ensure that one event does not exceed its capacity. Monitor and adjust as needed to maintain a smooth scheduling process.

I’m leaving some resources below about payment integrations, daily limits, the book over feature, screening questions, and routing forms.

Payments Integrations | Calendly

How to limit the number of daily bookings for a specific event type

Book over meetings

Your guide to setting up custom questions for your invitees

Getting started with Routing Forms

Thank you for the information. I started to go down that route earlier but couldn’t get the Book Over to work. User error, I’m sure 😁

I have a couple of follow-up questions:

  1. I do not currently get email notifications of conflicts (I checked spam folder, etc), and I do not see where to set that up. Support document makes it sound automatic. So, how do I get those?
  2. Also, is there another place, other than the email where I can tell calendly to ignore the other event.
  3. Just to clarify, when you said to make the Book Over entries on the event to be Booked Over, I chose the one that was already set up properly with the date showing up for booking, thinking it would be the other non-operational one that I would tell it to ignore. Is that correct?
  4. and finally, I just have a standard account, and the routing form looks to be for higher-level plans. I’m thinking if I can get these two events to play nice together, I can just add two different book now buttons in Durable and link to each event (contact hours vs no contact hours). Do you see any reason that wouldn’t work as I’m thinking?

Thank you for your time and help!


Hey Sean,

I chatted with Kailey in support this evening to have her troubleshoot and she was able to get it figured out.

Thanks again for your help,

