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booked time slots - still shows as available

  • 7 March 2024
  • 6 replies

Someone scheduled time slots, but they were not blocked out on my calendly - it shows it’s still available.. why is it not blocked out after someone has booked a certain time slot?


Hey there @Maria63320 - great question! Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform!

It sounds like you might have accidentally set up a Group Event Type! This is the only event type in which a time block would not automatically become unavailable after an invitee books it - otherwise, Calendly will automatically remove it from not only that event’s booking page, but all of your event booking pages, to avoid overlap.

Group Event Types allow for multiple invitees to meet with you at the same time. Check it out to see if this is what you have set up! If so, you will need to cancel those bookings and recreate a one-on-one event type instead.

I hope this helps!

Hello Kelsi,

thank you very much for your answer.

I checked, but no, I have set up the meeting as one-on-one. And still the time frame is not blocked, when someone books a call.

I am checking it now, and still have to block the availability manually myself after a booking, which is a bit annoying.
What else can be the reason for that?

Thank you for your help.


Hello Kelsi,

thank you very much for your answer.

I checked, but no, I have set up the meeting as one-on-one. And still the time frame is not blocked, when someone books a call.

I am checking it now, and still have to block the availability manually myself after a booking, which is a bit annoying.
What else can be the reason for that?

Thank you for your help.


Hey Maria!

Are these bookings being made using your Calendly link - are they 100% certainly Calendly booked events? Calendly does not allow overlapping events, so when a time slot is booked using your Calendly link that time slot should definitely be blocked off. If, however, you are adding events to your external calendar and not using the Calendly link (or you are having invitees do this), that could cause an issue - so I want to make sure! If your Calendly booking link is being used then this is not expected behavior and you’ll need further troubleshooting and more personalized assistance. In that case, please reach out to our support team! They are available 24/7. You can log into your account and click “help” to reach out to them and they’ll figure out what is going on! =) 

Yes, I checked, they are booked using my Calendly link. Also, I would not get email notifications for bookings from Calendly.

I tried everything, activated the calender for that specific event, but still, after people book in, it still shows available in my Calendly calendar.

I tried chatting to the support team, but it’s AI and it doesn’t understand what I mean - it’s referring to which external Calendar I am using but its not about the external calendar….

Please help Thank you

Has this issue been resolved?

It appears that when someone uses the Calendly link to set up an appointment, I must manually accept the appointment via email for it to be properly blocked off in my calendar. Is there a feature that allows appointments to automatically block off time in Calendly as soon as they are scheduled?

For additional context, I am using the one-on-one scheduling option and tested the process using the link provided by Calendly.


--- update, its working now.

Yes, I checked, they are booked using my Calendly link. Also, I would not get email notifications for bookings from Calendly.

I tried everything, activated the calender for that specific event, but still, after people book in, it still shows available in my Calendly calendar.

I tried chatting to the support team, but it’s AI and it doesn’t understand what I mean - it’s referring to which external Calendar I am using but its not about the external calendar….

Please help Thank you

Hey there Maria! I’m so sorry that this somehow got lost in the sauce. Did you get the issue resolved? 

If not, I did want to assure you that while initially, there is a chatbot when you chat into our support team, after you answer a few questions you are routed to a live agent. That team is available 24/7. 

If this issue is persisting, please reach out to them. It is definitely not the way things are supposed to work and you might need more individual troubleshooting!

Has this issue been resolved?

It appears that when someone uses the Calendly link to set up an appointment, I must manually accept the appointment via email for it to be properly blocked off in my calendar. Is there a feature that allows appointments to automatically block off time in Calendly as soon as they are scheduled?

For additional context, I am using the one-on-one scheduling option and tested the process using the link provided by Calendly.


--- update, its working now.

I am glad this was resolved! You should not ever have to manually accept an appointment outside of Calendly in order for that time to be booked and blocked off within Calendly if you are sharing your Calendly link and an invitee makes the booking, that way. Let us know if you run into more issue and we’ll be here to help! 
